How To jQuery Wiggle Plugin Tutorial
The jQuery Wiggle Plugin is really cool. Unfortunately I was having some trouble setting it up the way I wanted. Luckily, a Sitepoint Member named Pullo helped me get this working correctly. Here is what it does as is! The script wiggles for 1 second, every 3 seconds, for a total of 30 seconds, and aborts if hovered over. Pretty awesome!
Step 1: jQuery.js
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
Step 2: wiggle.js
Or here is the compressed version.
/* jQuery Wiggle - */ (function($) { $.fn.wiggle = function(method, options) { options = $.extend({ degrees: ['2','4','2','0','-2','-4','-2','0'], /* Movement Measurements */ delay: 30, /* Wiggle Speed */ limit: null, randomStart: true, onWiggle: function(o) {}, onWiggleStart: function(o) {}, onWiggleStop: function(o) {} }, options); var methods = { wiggle: function(o, step){ if (step === undefined) { step = options.randomStart ? Math.floor(Math.random() * options.degrees.length) : 0; } if (!$(o).hasClass('wiggling')) { $(o).addClass('wiggling'); } var degree = options.degrees[step]; $(o).css({ '-webkit-transform': 'rotate(' + degree + 'deg)', '-moz-transform': 'rotate(' + degree + 'deg)', '-o-transform': 'rotate(' + degree + 'deg)', '-sand-transform': 'rotate(' + degree + 'deg)', 'transform': 'rotate(' + degree + 'deg)' }); if (step == (options.degrees.length - 1)) { step = 0; if ($(o).data('wiggles') === undefined) { $(o).data('wiggles', 1); } else { $(o).data('wiggles', $(o).data('wiggles') + 1); } options.onWiggle(o); } if (options.limit && $(o).data('wiggles') == options.limit) { return methods.stop(o); } o.timeout = setTimeout(function() { methods.wiggle(o, step + 1); }, options.delay); }, stop: function(o) { $(o).data('wiggles', 0); $(o).css({ '-webkit-transform': 'rotate(0deg)', '-moz-transform': 'rotate(0deg)', '-o-transform': 'rotate(0deg)', '-sand-transform': 'rotate(0deg)', 'transform': 'rotate(0deg)' }); if ($(o).hasClass('wiggling')) { $(o).removeClass('wiggling'); } clearTimeout(o.timeout); o.timeout = null; options.onWiggleStop(o); }, isWiggling: function(o) { return !o.timeout ? false : true; } }; if (method == 'isWiggling' && this.length == 1) { return methods.isWiggling(this[0]); } this.each(function() { if ((method == 'start' || method === undefined) && !this.timeout) { methods.wiggle(this); options.onWiggleStart(this); } else if (method == 'stop') { methods.stop(this); } }); return this; } })(jQuery); /* Fire Wiggle 1000 = how long each wiggle, 3000 = time between each wiggle, 31000 = total duration of wiggle */ function wiggleForOneSecond(t){ t.wiggle(); setTimeout(function(){t.wiggle('stop')},1000) } $(document).ready(function(){ var thingToWiggle = $('.wiggle'); var s = setInterval(function(){wiggleForOneSecond(thingToWiggle)},3000); setTimeout(function(){window.clearInterval(s)},31000) thingToWiggle.hover(function(){ window.clearInterval(s) }); });
Step 3: The HTML
<div class="wiggle"></div>