Picnic Website Code Tutorials

How To Code Snippets & Web Design Help

Welcome To Picnic Website Code Tutorials. This website's sole purpose is to display code in a fun, attractive, and organized fashion. I am a fellow Web Designer like yourself. My long term goal is to educate myself, and document within this website, every possible and conceivable question, and its answer, I or others may ask of me, either now or in the future, so I never have to Google for another answer ever again. Admittedly, a lofty goal, however succeed or not, this page represents my attempt.

Whether you’re a novice or an experienced Web Designer, you will likely find this website to be an invaluable resource. Within its confines you will find many of the more commonly sought after code snippets, tutorials, and their demos you'll routinely need to either get started, or to simply build on what you've already achieved. I went to great effort to make these code examples as easy as possible to understand, and even easier to implement and use in your own projects. No lectures, no run-on stories, just code, displayed in a clear and concise manner. I don't bore you with my life story before giving up the goods. In short, there's no hand holding, I skip straight to the point. Additionally, all the demos are done with as little style as possible so there is no other code to get in the way of your understanding. I alone, work very hard on this website and all it contents. Therefore, positive feedback is always much appreciated. If you found a particular tutorial or demo to be helpful, please share the love on facebook, twitter, or other. Thank you - have a great day.


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